It’s time for a dose of the right medicine.


The Biden administration's reckless embrace of far-left, open-border policies has resulted in a crisis at our southern border, posing a direct threat to the safety of Americans. East Tennessee, though miles away, is not immune to the consequences of this failed approach. I am committed to securing our border and restoring law and order by reinstating effective Trump-era immigration policies. This includes completing the border wall, defunding "sanctuary" cities, ending "catch and release," and re-implementing "remain in Mexico." It's time to prioritize the safety of American communities over political posturing.


2nd Amendment

Your God-given Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is under assault by the Radical Left. I stand as a staunch defender of your 2nd Amendment rights, essential for self-defense, recreation, hunting, and protection against a tyrannical government. In Congress, I've tirelessly fought against those on the left seeking to undermine these rights. I will continue to stand firm against any attempts to strip law-abiding citizens of their fundamental right to bear arms.


Term Limits

Preserving the integrity of our political institutions demands the implementation of term limits. Career politicians often prioritize personal gain over the needs of the people. I am dedicated to passing legislation that imposes term limits on all federal offices, putting an end to the era of self-serving politicians who lose touch with the interests of those they represent.


Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis has devastated our nation, hitting close to home in Northeast Tennessee. I advocate for a comprehensive approach, tackling illegal drugs at the border, increasing funding for rehabilitation, and holding those accountable for creating this crisis. Together, we can combat this epidemic and ensure a safer, healthier future for our communities.


National Security

Under Joe Biden, our nation's security is at risk. I will champion America First policies, as implemented by President Trump, to restore our global dominance. In Congress, I will prioritize providing our military with the necessary tools, training, and resources to safeguard our country from threats posed by adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran. Peace through strength must be our guiding principle once again.



As the first person in my family to attend college, I recognize the transformative power of education. Northeast Tennessee needs diverse education options, including trade and technical skills schools, to foster economic growth and job opportunities. Let's empower families, teachers, and communities while reducing the intrusion of big government in our classrooms.


America First

As our country reels from the effects of the COVID-19 virus, it cannot be overlooked that China was, in fact, to blame for the worldwide pandemic. Had they shared information and been truthful about the situation – something they still have not done – thousands of lives could be saved. China plays an integral part in the world’s pharmaceutical supply chain, particularly for generic drugs, and as a result Americans are at risk of massive drug shortages due to the COVID-19 virus.  As a practicing Pharmacist, I know first-hand the negative impact a drug shortage can have on our communities and special patient populations. Relying on foreign powers like China for pharmaceuticals is detrimental to Americans’ well-being and rewards bad actors. 

China must be held responsible, not in a meaningless motion passed by members of Congress, but with economic realities. I would support a bill to punish China for what they have cost Americans and citizens worldwide because of their negligence. Additionally, I would support more sanctions on the Chinese government. I stand with President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda.


Pro Life

Grounded in my faith, I am unwaveringly pro-life. Democrats advocating for extreme abortion policies, including late-term procedures, must be countered. I pledge to uphold the sanctity of life and resist radical, anti-life agendas in Congress.


Health Care

Drawing on over 30 years as a community pharmacist, I understand the unique healthcare challenges faced by rural communities. I am committed to reducing government interference, lowering drug prices, increasing healthcare access for seniors and rural residents, and promoting transparency. Your healthcare choices should be in your hands, not dictated by bureaucrats in Washington.


Jobs & the Economy

Bidenomics is wreaking havoc on hard-working Americans. As your representative, I will fight for economic recovery by cutting regulations, negotiating trade deals that benefit everyday citizens, and lowering taxes. It's time to put American families first and revitalize our economy.


Religious Freedom

With nearly 25 years as a Sunday School teacher, I am deeply committed to preserving our freedom of religion. In Congress, I will staunchly defend against any attempts to limit our religious freedoms, ensuring that the government does not interfere with our right to worship as we choose.


Supporting Our Veterans

Our veterans, who fought for our freedom, deserve our unwavering support. I will continue to back legislation that expands access to healthcare and mental health services for our heroes. Supporting our veterans will remain one of my top priorities in Congress.

Be Tennessee Tough.

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