

Diana Harshbarger was born in Kingsport, TN and grew up in the small neighboring town of Bloomingdale.

Diana’s parents taught her that with hard work and an unrelenting spirit, anything is possible. Though they did not have the opportunity to graduate from high school, her parents’ perseverance allowed them to work and raise a family.

Diana was the first one in her family to graduate from college. She did her undergraduate studies at East Tennessee State University (E.T.S.U.), and graduated from Mercer University College of Pharmacy with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

Diana returned to Kingsport after graduating pharmacy school. She has been a licensed pharmacist since 1987 and a successful business owner for over thirty years. Diana is a problem solver. She has made a career of not only finding solutions for patients’ problems, but providing them comfort in some of their most trying times.

Diana has been an active member of her Kingsport community, teaching Sunday school, helping with her church’s mission work and other local non-profits. She is a leader in her field and in business, a member of the local Chamber of Commerce and a former board member of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists.



Diana is an unapologetic conservative Trump Republican. She ran for Congress because she believes that our nation is at a tipping point. Liberal extremists threaten the future of our country and our way of life with false promises of socialism. They stand in the way of common-sense, conservative values, our Constitutional Rights, and economic freedom. The people of East Tennessee need an outsider in Congress to fight for them and be their voice. Our communities need someone that is not beholden to political games or special interests, someone who understands what it takes to build a business, raise a family, and most importantly - fight back against the Radical Left’s extreme agenda. East Tennessee needs Diana Harshbarger. 

Career politicians – from both parties – have failed the American people and East Tennessee for years. They have had years to solve the problems that plague every day families and have had decades to change politics as usual. Enough is enough. When America’s future, and the futures of her son, her grandsons, and so many others in East Tennessee are on the line, it is time to get Tennessee Tough. It is time for a dose of the right medicine.


Diana is a staunch advocate for personal freedoms and a limited government that works for the American People, by the American People. She firmly believes in the importance of standing up to government overreach and draconian mandates imposed by the Democratic Party. Under Joe Biden, the Democrats’ bloated government has shown a penchant for expanding the government’s control over our lives. From the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and mandates, to their push for regulating every aspect of our lives, it is clear that the Democrats’ vision for America does not hold a place for our shared principles of individual responsibility and freedom. Diana believes that it is imperative that we push back against these reckless policies that infringe on our liberties.

Diana has been a vocal opponent of COVID mandates that infringe on the rights of East Tennesseans. The government must take a balanced approach while preserving our freedoms, and it is our responsibility to hold Joe Biden and the Democrats accountable for reckless overreach. It is the American People who empower the government, and the Democrats should never be allowed to use force to compromise our cherished conservative values.


Be Tennessee Tough.

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